Okay okay okay, so only one of these explicitly promotes “paleo”. There are a few general guidelines I followed...
Richard Manning, author of Against the Grain (2004), discusses the ‘Green Revolution’ and the end of cheap oil. It’s...
Exploring the theory and implementation of an intentional paleo community by drawing from hunter-gatherer anthropology and evolved human psychology.
Richard Manning, author of Against the Grain (2004), frames civilization as a human zoo that makes us all psychotic....
It disturbs me that vegetarians/vegans didn't seem to take the briefest of moments to reflect on a report of...
Why nature? I’ll admit it, I used to be skeptical of nature — not that I didn’t enjoy nature,...
The fitness community surrounding "paleo" doesn't work for me. I don't mean it doesn't physically work, I mean that...
Announcing my next expedition, "Fatbikerafting the Arctic". It's been called epic, but there's a chance I might live.
The Pick-Up Artists' Alpha-Male Narrative Myth
, Anthropology, Evolution, Featured, Paleoanthropology, Relationships, 73The narrative of human males evolving as tribal leaders in the paleolithic is a myth. The anthropology, evolutionary biology,...
I hope this is just as appropriate for non-United-Statesians as those celebrating Thanksgiving today. Over the past year, I...
Training for the Unknown and the Unknowable: Or, What to Do If Life Accidentally Happens to You
, Health, 14I know, it’s a scary thought: What if, by the sheer stroke of fate, life somehow happens to...
An Oregon wolf extermination hunt was temporarily delayed, and conservationists have been ordered to put up cash to compensate...
Journal Article of the Week Externalities from grain consumption: a survey by Matthew Metzgar, PhD. Okay, well… I wanted...
This article in the journal Nutrition was pretty simple. A 19 year old male sought treatment for lack of...
Most of the response from my post, “Agriculture Is Imperialism“, was positive. There were a few naysayers, but none...
Agriculture is the basis for models of the primitive and imperial state. Plant-based diets cannot support even paleolithic human...
As part of my ongoing obsession for Arctic adventures, I’ve been watching everything I can get my eyeballs on...
Hunter-Gatherer Philosophy II: The Libertarianism Question
, Anthropology, Featured, Paleo, Philosophy, Politics, 100I’m just going to go way out on a limb here and assert that individual liberty is a good...
Ancestral Health Symposium Video Awards and Miscellaneous Comments
, Diet, Economics, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, Exercise, Health, 7The list is my subjective (yet absolutely definitive and authoritative) list of areas of inquiry in the evolutionary health...
Thinking about Evolutionary Theory – Part I: Evolution Isn't a Function of Time
, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, Foundations, 9It's tempting to think about evolution as a function of time. This makes some intuitive sense because evolution happens...
Blinded by Science: Mat Lalonde Urges Paleo Bloggers to Look Through the Wrong End of the Microscope
, Paleo, Science, 45My attendance at the Ancestral Health Symposium was positive in a zillion ways. I spent most of the two...
What personality traits make women more likely to be cheated on? What can be done to avoid it?
What personality traits in men lead make them more likely to be cheated on? Is there any way to...
I don’t know about you, but blatant show-offs strike me as some of the basest individuals on the planet....
This is a review of Power Up Your Brain: the Neuroscience of Enlightenment by David Perlmutter, MD and Alberto...
Analysis of the 13,000,000+ viewed (in a month) video of two kids high-fiving after their first kiss. A follow-up...
Smashing Anthropology into Evolutionary Psychology and Paleo Logic for Peak Human Animality.
EVOLVIFY started with a focus on applying evolutionary psychology to our lives for increased psychosocial flourishing, and evolutionary biology for increased physical well-being. Shortly into that journey it became clear that some of the pop-culture iterations of evolutionary psychology were beholden to a statist agenda that attempts to normalize control and domination. Our ancestors actively thwarted such status quo reinforcing moves. Market economic ideology and hierarchical sociopolitical structures are contrary to our lives as individuals. A detour is in order.
Benign View of Nature
Relational Autonomy
Intentionally Egalitarian
Food is more than grocery stores and gardens. Do you really believe humans are the only species in 3 billion years to need money? Life is elsewhere.
Sometimes being a mammal is fun. And that’s okay.
Forks optional. Knives required.