The narrative of human males evolving as tribal leaders in the paleolithic is a myth. The anthropology, evolutionary biology,...
Archive for category: Relationships
What personality traits in men lead make them more likely to be cheated on? Is there any way to...
Male Physical Attractiveness Part II: Chicks Dig Scars
, Attraction, Evolutionary Psychology, Relationships, 17(Continued from: Male Physical Attractiveness Part I or: You Shallow, Shallow Ladies) The attractiveness of facial symmetry seems to...
Beautiful people don’t mind being judged beautiful any more than smart people mind being judged smart. Yes, some will...
Male Physical Attractiveness Part I or: You Shallow, Shallow Ladies
, Attraction, Evolutionary Psychology, Paleo, Relationships, Sex / Gender, 81Note: this contains a review, click here if you’re looking for the official site of The Hollywood Physique. Applied...
A standard principle in evolutionary biology is that the sex that invests the most in reproduction is the most...
Big Butts and Breasts: What Sir-Mix-A-Lot Got Wrong About Beauty and Attraction
, Evolutionary Psychology, Relationships, 44Ladies, gentlemen, and miscreants… You know that conversation that starts off something like, “what physical feature of mine do...
Why Your Girlfriend Wants to Cheat On You
, Evolutionary Psychology, Relationships, Survival of the Prettiest, The Evolution of Desire, The Mating Mind, Why Women Have Sex, 64(and Why She’ll Never Admit It) *Note: This post is a carryover from an old blog. It’s the post...
The Hipsters Guide to Scientifically Heaping Righteous Scorn upon Sports Fans
, Evolutionary Psychology, Health, Lifestyle, Relationships, The Mating Mind, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Triathlete Training Bible, 43Stock up on light beer and dip, let the drawstring on your sweat pants fly, and let that gut...
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