The fitness community surrounding "paleo" doesn't work for me. I don't mean it doesn't physically work, I mean that...
Archive for category: Health
Training for the Unknown and the Unknowable: Or, What to Do If Life Accidentally Happens to You
, Health, 14I know, it’s a scary thought: What if, by the sheer stroke of fate, life somehow happens to...
Ancestral Health Symposium Video Awards and Miscellaneous Comments
, Diet, Economics, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, Exercise, Health, 7The list is my subjective (yet absolutely definitive and authoritative) list of areas of inquiry in the evolutionary health...
With summer arriving in the northern hemisphere, the eternal questions of “how much sun” and “to suncreen or not...
The New False Messiah: Epigenetics
, Darwinism, Diet, Evolution, Health, Science, Spent: Evolution and Consumer Behavior, The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption, 29Preface *Skip to below the videos if you don’t care about an aside about doctors. I almost feel bad...
Top 10 Things You Should Never Again Say Aren’t Paleo After 2010
, Diet, Health, Paleo, Spent: Evolution and Consumer Behavior, The Blank Slate, The Evolution of God, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, 40Ironically, annual celebrations are somewhat more agrarian than paleo. It became more important to mark off calendar dates in...
Grain Consumption Caused Neanderthal Extinction: An Alternative Hypothesis
, Anthropology, Diet, Health, Paleo, The Last Human, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, The Vegetarian Myth, 30A new study, ‘Microfossils in calculus demonstrate consumption of plants and cooked foods in Neanderthal diets‘, got a brief...
Did Men Evolve to Hate Vegetables and Women to Be Vegetarian?
, Diet, Evolutionary Psychology, Gender, Health, Paleo, Sex / Gender, Catching Fire How Cooking Made Us Human, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, 52Obligatory disclaimers: Any implied hypothesis in this post is more speculative pondering than a scientific claim. That feels like...
The Evolution of Human Diet
, Diet, Evolutionary Biology, Health, Paleo, Politics, Video, The Evolution of Cooperation, The Last Human, The Vegetarian Myth, Why Evolution Is True, 13The California Academy of Sciences presents a talk by Teresa Steele, assistant professor in the Department of Anthropoplogy at the...
The Caveman Mystique Vs. Darwinian Feminism
, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Psychology, Health, Paleo, Politics, Sex / Gender, The Blank Slate, The Evolution of Cooperation, The Mating Mind, the moral landscape, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 43(I wanted to title this post: ‘Of Wheat and Women: Toward a Darwinian Feminism’. Alas, I couldn’t shake the...
The Hipsters Guide to Scientifically Heaping Righteous Scorn upon Sports Fans
, Evolutionary Psychology, Health, Lifestyle, Relationships, The Mating Mind, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Triathlete Training Bible, 43Stock up on light beer and dip, let the drawstring on your sweat pants fly, and let that gut...
The Case Against Gluten: For Everyone
, Diet, Health, Paleo, An Edible History of Humanity, celiac, gluten, gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity, The Paleo Diet, The Paleo Diet Cookbook, The Paleo Solution, The Primal Blueprint Cookbook, 47In the U.S., public awareness of gluten free diets has reached widespread recognition, but largely in name only. For...
Why Everything Is Paleo
, Diet, Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Psychology, Health, Paleo, Geoffrey Miller, The Last Human, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 19Heated debates about what definitively *IS* and what definitively *IS NOT* “paleo” abound. While that’s often an interesting question,...
UPDATE: President's Trainer Calling Paleo a "Silly Fad Diet" Is a Vegan Advocate
, Diet, Health, Paleo, Politics, Catching Fire How Cooking Made Us Human, The Paleo Diet Cookbook, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, 16What? Am I psychic, or does my attempt to make a logically connected hypothesis just blow my own mind?...
The Paleo Diet and Politics
, Diet, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, Health, Paleo, Politics, Religion, Catching Fire How Cooking Made Us Human, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, The Primal Blueprint Cookbook, 56I hoped this day would never come. Alas, it was almost inevitable. Of the many #notpaleo concepts we face...
The Myth of Food
, Diet, Health, 16The biggest mistake we can make as individuals faced with the daily decisions about what to put in our...
Veganism, Propaganda, Paleo, & Religion
, Diet, Health, Religion, The Evolution of God, The God Delusion, The Vegetarian Myth, 22This is not a treatise on the merits of a veg*an diet versus a paleo diet from a health...
The Adventure Gene
, Adventure, Evolution, Evolutionary Psychology, Featured, Health, Lifestyle, The Blank Slate, The Evolution of Cooperation, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Triathlete Training Bible, 46I may be defective. Not in the woe is me kind of way… more like “The Land of Misfit...
Hunter-Gatherer: Mussels
, Diet, Health, Lifestyle, Paleo, An Edible History of Humanity, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Solution, 5Much of my training life consists of hikes and trail runs along the Southern Oregon Coast. I sometimes question...
Recent Posts
15 Paleo Diet Friendly Documentary Films November 29, 2014
Agriculture Creates Excess Population September 5, 2014
Building a Paleo Intentional Community August 22, 2014
Zoo Animals Become Psychotic. Do we live in a zoo? September 3, 2012
- The Vegetarian Narrative Thrives on Scarcity September 2, 2012
- Your Brain on Nature Vs. Life in a Box January 27, 2012
- Think Like a Geek. Eat Like a Hunter. Train Like a Fighter. Look Like a Model. January 26, 2012