15 Paleo Diet Friendly Documentary Films
Okay okay okay, so only one of these explicitly promotes “paleo”. There are a few general guidelines I followed when putting together this list: Paleo isn’t just about humans eating an evolutionarily appropriate diet, but also eating plants and animals that are being fed an evolutionarily appropriate diet. Grain...
Agriculture Creates Excess Population
Richard Manning, author of Against the Grain (2004), discusses the ‘Green Revolution’ and the end of cheap oil. It’s only about 5 minutes, and well worth the time. A few important quotes: “agriculture, because it’s catastrophic, must constantly have new land. it also continuously needs new land because it...
Building a Paleo Intentional Community

Exploring the theory and implementation of an intentional paleo community by drawing from hunter-gatherer anthropology and evolved human psychology.
Zoo Animals Become Psychotic. Do we live in a zoo?
Richard Manning, author of Against the Grain (2004), frames civilization as a human zoo that makes us all psychotic. Hunter-gatherers who observe domesticated humans literally think we’re crazy. A few important snippets: “Think of an animal in the zoo. It’s deprived of things that keep that animal going —...
The Vegetarian Narrative Thrives on Scarcity
It disturbs me that vegetarians/vegans didn't seem to take the briefest of moments to reflect on a report of impending water shortages as an indictment of farming's inherent unsustainability, but spoke of it enthusiastically as a vindication of their ideology.
Your Brain on Nature Vs. Life in a Box
Why nature? I’ll admit it, I used to be skeptical of nature — not that I didn’t enjoy nature, but I wasn’t satisfyingly convinced that nature was necessary. I always appreciated it, but I was stuck in some postmodern relativist loop where everything was too subjective to trust. Despite...
Think Like a Geek. Eat Like a Hunter. Train Like a Fighter. Look Like a Model.
The fitness community surrounding "paleo" doesn't work for me. I don't mean it doesn't physically work, I mean that I don't find it satisfying in the context of pursuing a life less agrarian. I quit searching for the perfect thing a while ago. I couldn't bury the compulsion any...
Epic [FAIL] Modern Hunter-Gatherer Adventure
Announcing my next expedition, "Fatbikerafting the Arctic". It's been called epic, but there's a chance I might live.
The Pick-Up Artists' Alpha-Male Narrative Myth

The narrative of human males evolving as tribal leaders in the paleolithic is a myth. The anthropology, evolutionary biology, and evolutionary psychology all refute the pick-up artist narrative.
Hunter-Gatherer Thoughts on Thanksgiving
I hope this is just as appropriate for non-United-Statesians as those celebrating Thanksgiving today. Over the past year, I witnessed a lot more criticism of evolutionary psychology than expected. Most of it seems to amount to little more than the political and emotional gasps of a dying blank slate...