Christopher Hitchens speaks about his new book God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.
Hitchens, an always colorful and sometimes outrageous commentator, now takes aim at God. Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins have tried, but that hard-to-hit Fellow keeps popping back up. Worse still are the violent ways of his flock: waging religious warfare, keeping women enslaved, fomenting universal hatreds. Hitchens makes a powerful case for atheism – Politics and Prose
Christopher Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, England and worked in Britain as book reviewer for the Times, and chief foreign correspondent for the Daily Express. After emigrating to the United States in 1981, he wrote the “Minority Report” column for The Nation. Since 1992, he has been columnist and contributing editor at Vanity Fair and, at different times, Washington editor and columnist for Harper’s magazine, American columnist and correspondent for the Spectator, the New Statesman, the Times Literary Supplement, Sunday Today, and the Sunday Correspondent. Hitchens writes regularly for the Atlantic Monthly and Slate, and is the author of God is Not Great, Letters to a Young Contrarian and Why Orwell Matters.
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- Hitchens Opening: American Citizenship
- Beginnings of Religion
- N. Korea
- Manmade Falsification
- Child Mutilation
- Crimes Committed in the Name of Faith
- Resistance
Q & A
- Waiting for Armageddon
- Any Good in Religion?
- Origin of Love
- Materialism
- Existence of Jesus
- Spiritual Experience
- Personal Belief System?
- In Defense of Atheism