In doing research, testing, and writing for this site, I’m exposed to a large number of products and services. I’ve discovered some myself, and others are sent to me by publishers and their representatives. If you’re curious about what I personally use to run this site and my businesses, I’ve also included a comprehensive list of tools I employ to make my life happier.

I have personal experience with, and highly recommend, all of the products below. I am a current subscriber to all of the services below. Please know that some of the links are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission when you sign up through my link. Your purchase helps support this site and my global zero fuel expedition project ( and I really appreciate it.


The Hollywood Physique for Men – This is for guys who are sick and tired of looking average, even though they do everything exactly right in the gym and the kitchen. It’s for guys who are ready to do exactly what it takes to drastically transform their physiques week-by-week, to finally be noticed for their hard work. If you’re ready for a huge change, and are fed up with your lack of results and the embarrassment of failing in front of your friends and family, then this is exactly what you’re looking for – and the solution to your problems.

The Paleo Recipe Book – Paleo Foodies! If you’re already on-board with paleo concepts and looking for pure paleo cooking techniques and ideas, you can’t go wrong here. The level of some of these recipes is borderline gourmet while being simple and delicious at the same time. The photos and range are top-notch. This book is all about the food, not the theory. The 370 recipes in the main book are accompanied by a spice guide and meal planning tool.

Practical Paleo Nutrition Guide Book – This is the digital guide for paleo newbies and paleo vets who want easy to follow guidelines and theory to get you on the paleo track and keep you there. It includes a great paleo food pyramid, 30-day paleo challenge, shopping tips. It’s got practical in the title, and that’s fitting.



Website & Other

Mailbox Forwarding – I hate tracking down mail and my mobile lifestyle makes addresses a pain. Mailbox Forwarding scans all my mail and I can get it through email or their website. I can also have it forwarded to anywhere in the world. I used to use First Class Mail, but switched because Mailbox Forwarding is cheaper and a better service. I use this for business and personal mail.

1 & 1 Domain Name Registrations – I like to keep my domain names and hosting with separate companies for technical reasons. I’ve used a few other services, but 1 & 1 is simple, inexpensive, and well… it works. There’s not a whole lot else to domain registration in my book.

MailChimp Email Marketing – How could anyone interested in evolutionary logic use anything but the service laden with monkey and chimp references? Seriously. Oh, and… signing up through this link gets you a $30 bonus credit.

MMA Fitness Training

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